I had always heard that it was not a DF'ing offense either...
just my 2 cents...
No Apologies
blondis is asking for help.
where does it state that if a jw celebrates a brithday that it is a disfellowshipping offense.
i have searched and searched.
I had always heard that it was not a DF'ing offense either...
just my 2 cents...
No Apologies
i couldn't find anything using search, so maybe somebody just needs to point me in the right direction.
but i don't remember any discussion about what jws thought was happening when planes started flying into buildings and the hysteria in the nation began to build.
i do know about the reaction of the watchtower, locking their doors against people in need.
If something like 9/11 had happened back in the seventies or even the early eighties, I think the response from JWs would have been much bigger. As it is, most JWs are no longer as concerned about Armageddon being right around the corner. Its impossible to keep a sense of urgency at such a high state as it was back in the 70's, when there is nothing to really fuel it.
The only effect 9/11 had on JWs was a slight bump in activity and meeting attendance over the following months. No doubt a lot of JW-bystanders were motivated to become more active or to finally get baptised because of 9/11.
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the governing body tells us they are not false prophets because they admit their mistakes.. they only err because they are zealous to see the new order commence.. they are on the watch and warning everybody just like they are supposed to.. their doctrines change (new light) because they see and admit their errors.. what more can we expect of them?.
is the governing body honestly doing the best they can?
they are only human; how can we expect them to be perfect?.
For me, it was when I discovered they had signed up with the UN as an affiliated NGO. To me, that was not an honest mistake but a totally cynical manuever, especially since they did it without announcing it to the r&f.
Its one thing to be wrong about a date, or to apply some principle incorrectly, and totally different to knowingly do something as deceptive as that.
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this is so crazy, i had to post.. i guess you'll have to click on "jehovah's witnesses".. .
Does anyone see the irony in so-called faithful JW's kissing up to the Williams sisters like this??
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does anyone still have thier old service time slips?
i still have all of mine dating back to when i first started counting my time!
i always kept a copy for myself besides the one i turned in.
girlfriend, if ever I met a person who needs a new hobby it is you!
I've been telling her that for years!!!
See Cari, it ain't just me!!!
And no, I never really cheated on my time. I was not the clock-Nazi you evidently were, but I tried to stay honest. I never would of dreamed of totally faking time like some here said they did.
No Apologies (of the "I want my 90 hours/month * 5 years back" class)
i got an email the other day from an long time jw, in fact he was 13 at the 1958 convention in ny and polo grounds .
we were talking about the org and he posed the question to me as well- i thought about it and i could not think of anything-.
i have never heard -other than the name adoption resolution- any mention of any resolutions that we as jw adopted like in 1979, 1983 , etc.
willyloman said:
The only logical conclusion why this isn't the case: They don't really believe it.
Bingo. Even they don't believe their own crap, so why should anyone else?
No Apologies
i got an email the other day from an long time jw, in fact he was 13 at the 1958 convention in ny and polo grounds .
we were talking about the org and he posed the question to me as well- i thought about it and i could not think of anything-.
i have never heard -other than the name adoption resolution- any mention of any resolutions that we as jw adopted like in 1979, 1983 , etc.
What about the resolutions from 1922-28 that were the fulfillment of the pouring out of the seven bowls in Revelation? Has anyone ever seen these reprinted in their entirety? They are fulfilled prophecies - they should be proudly and prominently posted in every Kingdom Hall, don't you think?
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Gotta give my vote to Target, for much the same reasons as others have cited. Walmarts are usually a mess, both product-wise and customer-wise. I feel like I need a shower when I leave the store.
I also am partial to Target simply because I am from Minnesota, their home state. But it was interesting when Walmart first came here. At the time Target had far fewer stores, especially in outstate Minnesota. There were probably less than a dozen Target stores outside the Twin Cities region, tops. As soon as Walmart came along, all of a sudden Target started popping up too. Who says competition is a bad thing?
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from what i've noticed so far, an awful lot of posts on this board deal with watchtower hypocrisy which has been manifest both in their doctrines and in their double-dealing with many issues.. a few all-time classics would include:.
1) secret association with the un.
2) 1975 / generation 1914 doctrine changes.
D - All of the Above
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" the overseer made it quite plain..
"if i can't say i have been advised not to serve in alternate service--why are you actually doing it?
i was there to serve jehovah; consequently i was doing jehovah's will.
Very very moving account, and very well written....
Its too bad they don't run these type of "life stories" in the Watchtower and Awake...
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